Home > Allgemein > The Visual Studio PreBuild Command Event Sucks

The Visual Studio PreBuild Command Event Sucks

Right now, i create new deployment tools for the upcoming NetOffice release.
One of them is a tool i call it “RegAddin.exe” – a substitute of “RegAsm.exe” with more options
and working without(!) admin privileges also in deployment and so on.

My main strategy in development was to replace the “Register For COM Interop” option in Visual Studio with RegAddin.exe and
the Pre/Post Build events. Unfortunately the PreBuild event in Visual Studio is running AFTER the clean command(which is deleting the former build assemblies i need to call the old former logic(incl. call the Unregister method) like RegAsm does the job to imitate the process as best i can). So i can not made an unregister process for the previous build assemblies. The internal “Register For COM Interop” option in Visual Studio has access to an internal event before Visual Studio cleanup the old assemblies. This is not fair!

I can level this problem easily(try unreg in the postbuild event BUT with the new assembly).
Developers may face an unexpected behaviour in a 1% percent case here in compare to RegAsm.
(And how i can explain this in easy words to semi-professional developers in documentation?)

“Kommt Zeit kommt Rat” (a german quote that say the answer comes in time)

Categories: Allgemein
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